Peer programming:
when young people choose

The responsibility for choosing the content of a curriculum usually lies with adults - teachers, educators, or programmers. Teachers have important roles to play as ‘trusted guides’ in introducing children and young people to new, and sometimes challenging, material. But there is a powerful argument for letting children and young people to direct their own choices - in film as in any other area of learning.


The video below collects the voices and views of a group of slightly older young people - aged between 18 and 20 - who have worked with the Glasgow Film Theatre in Scotland. The group constitute what are known as ‘young programmers’, or sometimes ‘young consultants’: a group of peers who choose films, and devise events for each other.

While this group do not take responsibility for introducing film into a curriculum or classroom, the principle of the learner, or participant, being directly involved in their own learning projects or activity is a sound one.


Watch the video below - paying especial attention to the still images - and see if you can infer the kinds of event they curate.

How do you think they programme film events for each other?
What do you imagine they are learning as they do so?

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