The United Kingdom, as its name suggests, is four different devolved governments, that each have jurisdiction over their education systems, which vary considerably. England and Wales are closest to each other, though as of 2021, the Welsh system will change again.
Belgium, Spain, and Germany have federal governments, with regions having significant degrees of autonomy over their education systems. The Scandinavian countries tend to have powerful national film institutes that can assert a film education strategy, with significant levels of support and endorsement from national Ministries of Education, though always in politics, structures can change overnight.
A typical arrangement across Europe is for film, both culturally and industrially, to be backed by a Culture Ministry, with varying degrees of support and connection to Education Ministries. In this and the next step, we look more closely at two different countries that seem to have successfully brought together ‘all the powers’ in support of film education: France, and Slovenia.