The outcomes of film education

What are the important outcomes of film education? What changes can we claim film education produces? Let’s start by looking at some comments from the ‘Framework for Film Education’.

The outcomes

The Framework lists some potential outcomes of film education:

1. Critical thinkers

1. Critical thinkers

2. Sensitive contributors

2. Sensitive contributors

3. Confident explorers

3. Confident explorers

4. Informed participants

4. Informed participants

5. Expressive individuals

5. Expressive individuals

6. Reflective practitioners

6. Reflective practitioners

7. Independent learners

7. Independent learners

8. Engaged citizens

8. Engaged citizens

9. Discerning audiences

9. Discerning audiences

We need to think about what are the distinctive outcomes of film education. What can it offer that no other experience or subject can? Look back at this list of possible outcomes. How many of them could be delivered in other curriculum subjects such as drama, music, history or art?

What makes film education a discreet and unique subject?

Menis Theodoridis

The Greek film educator Menis Theodoridis has suggested the following as possible outcomes of film education:

  1. The ability to view a film critically expressing personal opinions and arguing about the film’s content, structure and use of audio-visual language. The ability to share these opinions with others as well as supporting them by using examples from the film.
  2. The ability to express their ideas and feelings about an issue by creatively using images and sounds structured in the form of an audiovisual text which is communicated to an audience . To evaluate such activities’ impact, the final product can be analyzed evaluating only the specific dimensions that indicate growth related to the intended concepts, for example:
    • Relevance to the given theme
    • Structure of the film
    • Clarity of audiovisual arguments
    • Creativity and originality in the use of audio-visual language
  3. Students’ overall awareness of specific concepts that generally characterize the filmic experience. (Menis Theodoridis, Universal Film Study Guide, 2020.)

Menis's full framework can be downloaded here.


Do you agree with Menis’ suggested outcomes?
Can you think of other ways in which film education delivers something not to be found in other subjects?

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